Saturday, September 13, 2008

20 cc's of suck it up

Being the Genius of Honor means that, even when you decide to be delinquent, in the end, you still represent. I thought it would be so funny (OMG! Ha ha ha!) if I went out the night before the wedding.

All bets were off when the bartender greeted me by pouring ice down his pants and pulling out the fire extinguisher. After that, I just had to have a few dirty martinis, didn't I? Cut to this morning, where I was so hungover I couldn't even bend over to reach the shampoo. So I did what any Genius of Honor would do: I called for delivery. I had the tailor deliver my dress and the deli deliver an egg-and-cheese sandwich and four kinds of beverages. I slapped some makeup on and managed not to throw up in the cab ride to the church. And, I was on time. Which never happens, even when I'm sober.

I took 20 cc's of suck it up, because even though it's fun being the delinquent bridesmaid, that's not my style. Being the Genius of Honor means that the day is not about your hangover, it's about being there for your friends. And let me tell you, I cried like a baby during the ceremony, and it's not because the Tylenol had worn off.

Full disclosure; I am a little disappointed that no one even noticed that I was a wreck. Next time I decide I want to be the delinquent bridesmaid, I'm just going to bathe my body, not my liver in gin. Then I'll at least smell like the good time I had, and everyone will know all about it.

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