Sunday, July 27, 2008

Advice Shower for Kate & Amanda

Kate's mother, Freddie, hosted a lovely brunch today at her home in New Jersey for Kate and Amanda. As the guests arrived, I helped Freddie make their special family punch:

Not-too-Bride-y Bridal Shower Punch
Rainbow Sherbert
Champagne or Sparkling Wine
Orange Juice
Seltzer or Ginger Ale

Since Kate and Amanda had requested not to play games, Freddie included an index card in the invitations on which all the guests were asked to write advice. The cards were passed around in a basket, read aloud, and then everyone tried to guess who had written the advice. After appetizers and several glasses of punch (Mrs. Hess, I'm looking at you!), the advice got more and more lively. My contributions were:

"Be nice to each other. It's cheaper than therapy."
"It's O.K. to go to bed angry, but it is not O.K. to push someone from the bed onto the floor."
"When in doubt, open a bottle of champagne and pour."
"If you need more advice, please write to"

The most controversial advice was the old adage, "Never go to bed angry." The room was split fifty-fifty, with half the guests believing you should never go to bed angry, and the other half believing that it's O.K. to go to bed angry because otherwise you'll just be tired and still angry. I think the debate would have gone on longer, but luckily Aunt Margie introduced the chocolate fountain in the dessert room. Which leads me to think the advice should have been:

"If you're about to go to bed angry, get a chocolate fountain."

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